Six beautiful babies,”expendable” cast-offs from the Premarin industry, were paid for by
Equine Voices and safely shipped to us by Hubbard Horse Transport in the month
of December. They were saved by Equine Voices from a former PMU farmer and
through the collaboration of several groups, among them Anna Twinney, Reach Out
to Horses, Celine Myers with the Arkwatch Foundation, Frank Weller of Equine
Angels and Ray of Light. The babies were weaned, moved from the PMU farm, and
then transported to North Dakota in November. They then left N.D. on December
17, were transported in a luxury horse semi, first to the state of Washington,
a drop-off point for several other horses. There they rested and then continued
on to California, where they again rested and watched while some of their new
fellow riders were off-loaded. Then, at midnight, Chuck and Miriam, skilled haulers, carefully reloaded the babies along with six other horses for their last leg and headed
to Green Valley to find home at Equine Voices. They arrived just about noon amid thunderous applause seemingly none the worse for wear for their long journey. KVOA’s
Channel 4 Anchor-Reporter Brandon Gunnoe was on hand to aptly film the historic
event. This victory was the result of many months of calling, negotiating, and
arranging the adoption and complicated transportation details, spearheaded by
Karen. Also on hand at the arrival, to present a substantial monetary donation and a beautiful glass award to Karen, President and Founder of Equine Voices, was a representative of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, an organization dedicated to help all earth’s co-inhabitants. The unexpected gifts were
given with love to Karen for her sacrifice and her relentless devotion to expanding her mission of giving a “voice to the voiceless”. Thank yous go out to Scriptsave, Joyce
from Phoenix, all the volunteers and supporters who made this incredible rescue and delivery possible! And Nancy, Stella, and Danae – thanks for picking up the donuts!!!!
We love you!
Article Written By Tom O’Neil
See the video below of the babies arrival