Dominic is Reunited with his herd!
Today, Dominic was reunited with his herd mates, Kona and Bindi Sue. He is still healing from being gelded but as soon as it is safe, he will be turned out into the Burro Habitat with the girls. Rosie will also be added to their herd just as soon as her little feet are ready!
Rosie’s Story
Rosie is one very lucky burro. She was rescued by Celine Myers of Ark Watch Foundation from a feedlot in Texas right before she and her baby “Bunny” were going to be shipped to slaughter. The feedlot was filled with other pregnant Jennies and Jennies that had already foaled. Rosie suffered from severe abcsesses in
Thank you for the shout out Evention!
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Big Ben’s Walk
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The Costs of Greed: The Premarin Industry
To the Rescue Premarin Industry
One thank you from each of the 10 million farm animals in Arizona
A letter from Cathy LaSusa who was a leader in the charge against the animal cruelty law. Deep gratitude to each of you who took action to fight HB2150, the farm animal cruelty bill, which was vetoed yesterday afternoon by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. It was his first veto since taking office, and it was
PASSING THIS IMPORTANT INFO ALONG WITH THE REQUEST THAT YOU PLEASE HELP contact info below Shocking but true, Arizona legislators have passed through the House and Senate a bill that strips the animal cruelty laws. In a stealth attack and under heavy pressure from the meat and dairy industries, elected officials succumbed to the
US judge rejects Nevadans’ bid
US judge rejects Nevadans’ bid to dispose of excess mustangs March 12, 2015 9:39 pm • By SCOTT SONNER Copyright 2015 The Associated Press See original article: RENO, Nev. (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday threw out a lawsuit filed by a coalition of rural Nevada counties that wanted to force the government
Burros rescue Moms and babies
Here are the last 2 Mom’s and baby burros that are adopted and will be leaving soon for their new forever home. These burros were part of the twelve burros that were recently rounded up by the BLM. These burros were roaming the streets in the town of Pahrump, near Las Vegas Nevada. The twelve
Meet our latest rescue “Patches”
Patches is about 4 years old. Patches is very sweet and needs training. Patches is available for adoption or for sponsoring. Patches was found in an area called “Dogpatch” where she was left abandoned and malnourished. She was picked up by Livestock and is now safe at Equine Voices.